Why I support Israel

Disclaimer: Nothing in this blog is supposed to be offensive and I do not attend for it to be offensive. Also this is not to be taken as a political statement nor I’m I endorsing any political beliefs while writing this. This is based on history, facts and my own opinion.


People who follow the news has probably heard about Israel. Israel is often attacked by its neighbors. Israel is oftentimes seen as the bad guy in some forms of media even though they are just protecting their home when they fight their enemies. Israel is a Jewish state the only one in the world. But remember Jews live in other parts of the world too. Not only is their homeland threatened and sometimes seen as the bad guys, but also the Jewish people are often attacked. I have read statements were due to the recession some people have started to blame the Jews for it. I find this to be very disgusting because this is antisemitism at its best. What also makes me mad is some people have claimed to be Christian and attack the Jews which is even more disgusting. I myself I’m a Christian but I support Israel. I also support the Jews all 3 branches of Judaism. They are actually 4 branches but I’m only going to list three because these three do not recognize the secular humanitarian Jews.   The three forms of Judaism are Orthodox, Reform (also known as Moderate Judaism) and the Messiah Jews. I will start by saying why I support Israel first of all using Christianity then I will support why I think we should support Israel.

We should support Israel as Christians. First of all, rather some forms of Christians like to admit it or not Jesus when he was here on earth was a Jew. In fact, Christianity is a continuation of Judaism. I myself like to see Christianity as a branch of Judaism. We need to also realize that Jews are God’s original chosen ones. The Jews are the people that God chose first and are his chosen people. Christians are chosen by accepting Christ as your personal lord and savior with the blessing being in Heaven with Christ.

Lets look back on the ancient Israelis . God chose Abraham in the book of Genesis to become a nation. The nation would be Israel. Abraham had Isaac and Isaac had a son named Jacob. Jacob had 12 sons, each son had their own families.  In the book of Exodus the twelve tribes become the nation of Israel as they leave Egypt. God through Moses and Joshua lead the people into what is modern day Israel. God expected the people to keep  his ways and not do evil. In time the Israelis severe other gods, they do evil of all kinds. So God raises up judges and prophets to lead the people back. In time the people demand a king. Israel as a unified nation had three kings, Saul, David, and Solomon. Saul started out God but turned evil. David though not perfect followed God even after he messed up. Ancient Israel reached its height under David and Solomon. After Solomon died the kingdom split into two kingdoms. The north called themselves Israel while the southern kingdom was known as Judea. in the books of Kings we learn that the North was very evil, they served other God’s, even performed human sacrifice and all kinds of evil. After reading Kings we learn that no one North king was good all did evil. So God removes the Northern Kingdom from his sight

The southern Kingdom (Judeah) does somewhat better but even they turned evil. Judea after reading Kings we learn had four good kings that did good in God’s sight they were: Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah and Josiah. Still they are removed as t hey turn and do evil. In time the Israelis are liberated by the Persian empire and resettle in their land. Finally in 70 A.D the Israelis   are driven out of their homeland. But Jesus made it clear that the Jews would be returned to their homeland and would not be driven out again. Jesus also stated woe into thee that make war against Israel and my people. Many have translated that my people is referring to Christians.

In 1948 Israel become a country again and the Jews were returned to their homeland. Since then several nations and organizations have tried to drive Israel out each time being defeated. Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and for a while Egypt as well as the PLO, Hamas, and Hezbollah and others have tried each losing. The bottom line is clear. Israel is here to stay and as a Christian we should support Israel and stand beside Israel.

Now that is the Christian side here is why we should also stand by Israel. Like the United States: Israel has our same values. Both of us are Democratic republics as we both value freedom and we vote for our leaders. We also have anti terrorism forces. Rather we want to admit it or not we both have the same enemies. as Israel’s enemies want to destroy us Americans too.

So when it comes to Israel I will stand by her as I love my Jewish Brothers and Sisters

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