Concern for the new Generation

God chose Israel to be its nation and they were supposed to be set apart from other nations around them. God through Moses gave the Israelis the Law. The Law was supposed to set the Israelis apart from other nations around them. The nations that surrounded Israel were into idol worship, bestiality, and there is evidence human sacrificing went on. All of these were forbidden by the Law. After Joshua died and the rest of the generation that settled in Israel a new generation came up. The Bible tells us that everyone did as they saw fit and the new generation thought they could do anything. What happened was a Generation grew up that did not know God. Soon the new generation of Israelis started living lifestyles like the nations around them. Idol worship, bestiality and later human sacrifice to the idols started taking place. God Raised judges, prophets and even Kings to try to lead the people back to God but the people would not come back.

Some of the people God raised up were Judge Deborah, Judge and Prophet Samuel. Although he messed up King David had a special relationship with God. After Solomon died  the Kingdom of Israel split into two parts the Northern Kingdom was called Israel the southern part was called Judea. Israel had a lot of evil kings in a row as not one of them was good in God’s eyes. In fact, Ahab and his wife Queen Jezebel were described as the most evil rulers in Israel history. Under Ahab & Jezebel the people in the Northern Kingdom would sacrifice their children  to idols. The Bible describes it being a very dark and evil time. Now the southern Kingdom also had evil kings but did have some good kings. Jehoshaphat, Asa, Hezekiah, and Josiah  were called good in God’s eyes and walked in the ways of God. The Bible tells us that God sent prophets to try to get the people to repent. Some of the great prophets were Elijah, Elisha, Ezekiel, Jeremiah and Isiah. Still they would not repent and the People of Israel were punished. However they did get grace as God became a man through son (Jesus Christ) died and rose on the 3rd say. So now whoever believe in him and repent shall be saved. But the question is  what lead to the failure and wickedness?

The obvious answer is sin but it is deeper than that. Parenting was one main cause for the wickedness. Generations of parents not being parents they did not teach their children right from wrong. They also did not share God with their children. The idea came everyone can do what they see fit, or if its okay with you its okay with me. These attitudes and parents not being parents lead to a kingdom getting over ran. By the time Ahab & Jezebel came into power none of the citizens knew right from wrong as evidence. Now, some might be thinking well that was in Ancient times. Guess what it is still relevant today. We are starting to see the same thing happen in America

The family used to be an important part of America. Families used to spend time with each other. Also parents were being parents. Used to parents would teach their children right from wrong. However, in the late 1960’s a theme started coming up that would shape a future generation. The theme was part of the Counter Culture movement. The theme was if its okay for you its okay for me, everyone can do what they see fit because there is no morals. That theme was mostly limited to cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York City, and Washington DC. However that theme would show up in a new generation.

Starting in the 1980’s a new generation came up. This generation was dubbed the Millennial Generation. Most people define the Millennial Generation as people being born between the years 1982-1999. Here it is 2014 about to be 2015 and the Millennial Generation especially those born in the 80’s have become parents. Millennialls are also in the process of becoming parents or will become parents later on. The generation born after the year 2000 is being called Generation Y.

How the Millennials have parented is showing up in this generation and it is concerning. The Millennial parents are not really being parents they are being more friend like than a parent. They have also passed the theme to the Y generation if its okay with you its okay with me, or you don’t need to follow morals you are your own person. In addition the Millennial parent (most of them) do not really spend time with their children anymore. It seems like they buy their children the latest music or video game systems and not interact with them. The reason cause it keeps the kids occupied. Now, there is nothing wrong with being a friend to your  children or giving them gifts. The problem is when parents forget they are parents and are not involved in their children’s lives.

It is obvious that the Millennial parent is not teaching their children right from wrong. The Y generation is not growing up with morals and they are turning out to be troubled youth its very concerning. From a Christian standpoint 59% of Millennial population said they believed in God. However, 42% said their relationship with Christ was important to them. Those in the Y Generation that are in middle school ( may be entering high school) only 50% said they believed in God but only 30% said a relationship with God was important to them. Now some may not believe in God or have any religion still you should teach your children right from wrong. I have heard some disturbing things on forums from Millennial parents. I remember during the Summer I had a conversation about sexting and youth watching porn. I argued it is disturbing because porn can lead to pedophilia. The parent responded that they had not problem with their 14 year old watching porn as it was a way to express themselves. I found that disturbing it seemed like the parents were encouraging their children to watch that stuff. The forum I was having these discussions was stating how parents often do not know who their children’s friends are, what they watch on the computer or who they talk too.

That is also concerning because it shows how lack of involvement today’s parents have become. I remember when I was in graduate school one of my instructors, who deals a lot with parents, sated “studies have shown that from early childhood to middle school age parent involvement is often the most influential. After a child gets in middle school parents lose the  main influence and the peer group becomes the main influence. If a child has been brought up right there is a good chance they will have a good conscious about them. Now the counter argument, is well you can raise a child right and they still turn out bad and yes that is true. However, studies have shown that children who were raised with morals and had parent involvement were less likely to be troubled youth.

Here are some alarming stats about today’s youth and it should be concerning.

  • 79% of youth admitted to viewing porn at least twice a week
  • 70% of youth admitted to drinking alcohol by the time they get to college 52% binged drank
  • 61% of youth admitted to abusing prescription pain killers
  • Heroin use has increase by 30% over the past 10 years
  • 10% of youth use illegal steroids
  • over 50% of  youth admitted to sending inappropriate pictures
  • 1 out of 4 youth commits a violent crime

In the fall a teenager a 14 year old opened fire in his school killing a classmate and wounding overs. It came out that the youth was very troubled. He also posted stuff on facebook what he was going to do. What was also sad was it came out that his parents were described as not being involved in his life. It made me think what if parents were involved would crime among youth drop, would see less troubled teens studies have show that would be the case.

Parents really need to go back to being parents are we are going to become like the ancient Israelis. No doubt this generation coming up is described as being more troubled but it is also a crisis nobody talks about. A generation has come up that my pastor said does not know God and why is that because we have not brought our children to the 10 commandments, we have not taught our children right from wrong and just like the ancient Israelis we are seeing the result. However we still have time so what can be done.

  • Parents who are Christian share you faith with your Children let them see how you worship God and have evening Bible study or prayers
  • Parents teach your children right from wrong and good morals
  • Parents be your child’s friend but also be a parent and be involved. Do not be afraid to ask questions.
  • Know what your child is looking at online don’t invade their conversations
  • Know who your child’s friends are. When you child goes out do not be afraid to ask who is going, the time, what the event is going to be, and were the event is going to be.
  • Parents also spend time with your children don’t give them toys to keep them occupied. Engage with them ask how their day is. There is a good chance they will talk to you

If parents go back to being parents there is a good chance we will less troubled youth. Most of all we need to return to morals and it starts with the parents.