most outrageous things politicians have said.

Saying outrageous things is part of being human. Sooner or later we all some some outrageous things. We often look back and think to ourselves “what were we thinking when we said those things” However, politicians are known to say some of the most outrageous things. One could argue that they are more prone to say outrageous things. Sometimes, politicians say things that are nonsense, illogical, and totally off the wall. So, I’m making a list of some of the most outrageous things politicians have said. I’m pretty sure a lot of them wish they never have said these things.

1. “He is unfit for governor because he can’t stand up ” 

The 2014 Texas governor race was between Republican candidate Gregg Abbot, who is in a wheelchair due to an accident, and Democrat candidate Wendy Davis. Davis’s campaign was doomed from the start as she was already trailing 10-12 points in the polls. But her comments sunk her campaign. Davis ran adds that appeared to mock Abbot being in a wheelchair. Some of the adds stated “Gregg Abbot is unfit to be governor because he cannot stand up” Another TV add had Davis standing in front of wheelchairs stating “I will be a better fit for governor because my opponent cannot stand up” Finally she also said “If I knew a fetus was going to be handicapped i would have an abortion” This angered a lot of people in Texas. Davis lost most of her endorsements, and even her own party voted for Abbot. She tried to do damage control by saying her quote was about Abbot not standing up to lobbyist. Davis suffered a blowout loss to abbot by 26 points. As Gregg Abbot got 63% of the vote compared to Davis 37%.

2. Guam could tip over due to its population

During Spring of 2010  top military brass was requesting upgrades for the USA military bases in the territory of Guam. To upgrade the base it would require extra people as contractors were needed. During a debate Congressman Hank Johnson (D) said one of the most outrageous things ever. Johnson said “My concern is if we put extra people on Guam the island could capsize, sink or flip over due to its population”.  It brought laughter and left people shaking their heads. So far in the history an island has not sunk due to over population. Plus the idea of an island sinking, due to having people on it is illogical. Needless say Hank probably wishes he never said that.

3. His Economic Plan will work because well you know

Ah, Donald Trump (R) a man that could have his own lists of outrageous things. Trump during an interview was asked how would he help America’s Economy. Trump answered “As president my economic plan will work, people know it will work, and well you know it will work”. Okay, what did he actually say his plan was? Is he going to get jobs back, emphasize on industries, is he going to raise taxes on companies that go overseas? So far he has not really said. But you know it work that seems to be his answer.

4. He wants you to know he is not a crook 

Richard Nixon (R) was on his way to being a great president. He had brought troops home from LBJ’s Vietnam War and created environmental legislation. In 1972 Nixon won in a landslide with over 500 electoral votes. So far Nixon and Reagan are the only two Presidents to get over 500 since WWII. But in 1972 Watergate occurred. In 1973 it became more clear that the scandal went all the way up into the White House. The accusations and evidence started to point toward Nixon. Nixon in response stated “There are people out there that think their President is a crook. The United States President is not a crook. I am not a Crook I have made mistakes but I’m not a crook”. It turned out after saying that Nixon had deleted tapes and phone calls. By 1974 Nixon either had to resign or face impeachment. He became the first president to resign from office. But, he wanted you to know he wasn’t a crook.

5. A bad guy or terrorist will lay down their weapon when nobody around them is armed.

Diana Feinstein (D), during a debate about terrorism and gun control  in 2013 made a very bold statement. Diana while debating said this “When a bad guy or terrorist sees that nobody around them is armed. They will lay down their weapon and not activate their bomb because that is human nature” Now while there have been a few times this has occurred it is mostly illogical. Of all the terrorist attacks and mass shootings so far nobody has laid down because nobody wasn’t armed. In fact, that has been their primary target. The idea that a terrorist will not blow up or use a weapon because people are not armed is nonsense at best.  Lets face it terrorist do not care about human life so to them human nature does not apply. Feinstein was heavily criticized from both sides by this outrageous statement.

6. He did not make out with the intern

You knew it had to be on here somewhere. During the late 1990’s President Bill Clinton (D) was accused of having an affair with an intern named Monica Lewinsky. As evidence mounted. Bill said on TV and under oath “I did not have sex with that woman”. A few weeks after that Clinton’s DNA was on Kewinsky’s clothes. Bill was forced to admit that he did have an affair with Lewinsky. Bill soon found himself in hot water not only with his wife but legal trouble. The house started and voted to impeach Clinton on the grounds of  perjury by lying under oath. It created a scandal and Bill is often reminded of it to this day. Lucky for Bill his term ended and the impeachment trials ran out since he was leaving office. I’m sure Hillary makes sure there are no young female  interns around Bill.


7. its Easier to legally but a gun then it is fruit. 

Barrack H Obama (D) from what I have read has a great sense of humor. In fact, chances are if he saw this list he probably would laugh at it. It is possible Obama could have been telling a joke. On the other hand it could have been an infamous outrageous statement. In 2015 Obama made a bold claim ” It is easier for people to legally buy a gun then it is for them to get a piece of fruit in a supermarket “. Lets do some math there. Most handguns or rifles that are brought legally cost a lot. Most guns cost over 300 dollars some even cost over over 1,000 dollars. Also to legally buy a gun one has to undergo a background check in 36 states. To buy a piece of fruit one could walk into any grocery store and get a piece of fruit for under $10 dollars. A bag of oranges can be brought for less than that.  So Obama’s claim is illogical and outrageous. Had Obama said its easier to get guns illegally that would have held some truth to that. Obama would probably laugh at his outrageous claim though. He did provide lines for the Late night Comedians.

8.  She can see Russia from Central Alaska 

Sarah Palin (R) from Alaska was John McCain’s running mate in 2008. During an interview on foreign policy Palin made an outrageous statement. Palin stated that she had kept an eye on Russia because she could see Russia from her house. The actual quote ” As governor of Alaska I have been able to keep an eye on Russia  because I can see Russia from my house”. Okay time for a geography lesson. There are parts on the west coast of Alaska were Russia can be seen due to the narrow straights of water between the two. Also some islands off the coast of Alaska can see Russia. So what was so outrageous about Palin’s claim?  Palin’s house is not on the west coast of Alaska. It is in the interior part of Alaska. Palin’s location would not allow her to see Russia. Interior Alaska is surrounded by really tall mountains and hills. Not to mention storm systems often cause fog and precipitation. Now, had Palin said ” there are parts in Alaska were people can see Russia” She would have been right and telling the truth.

9. The Internet had a different inventor 

During a 2000 presidential debate between Al Gore (D) and George W Bush (R). Gore made an outrageous statement. During the debate Gore stated “I invented the internet “. The internet origins go back into the late 1960’s when the Military tried to set up networks on sharing information. After the 1970’s when the first desktop computers hit the market. The Army started to build on these networks. In the 1980’s the working internet was finally born. It started off being used for the military only. The internet allowed army branches  to share info in a quick way. In 1989 the internet was made public. Thus starting the internet boom of the 1990’s. So Gore did not invent the internet the US Army did under their NSFnet project. Al Gore did not have a significant role. Needless to say Gore’s claim was outrageous and he found himself being humiliated by the claim.

10. The US has half a million people? 

In 2009 the US Economy was in horrible shape. Newly elected President Obama tried to get a series of stimulus bills past. Obama’s stimulus packages were met with skepticism from both sides. Nancy Pelosi (D) in trying to get yes votes said this “If these bills are not passed then 500 million Americans could lose their jobs and benefits by the end of the year”. Okay, that was not only outrageous but illogical. The US has 320 million people according the latest census. Pelosi’s claim is that not only does the US have 180 million extra people but that many could lose their jobs. That is illogical because as I stated we have 320 million people not 500. Second, we don’t have a workforce of 500 million. Studies have shown that 60% of the US population works. 60% of 320 million would be 192 million. It is estimated that the US has 192 million people with paying jobs. To think that the entire work force would lose their jobs is illogical.

11. Iraq boarders Pakistan ?

John McCain (R) during the 2008 campaign was trying to sell a continuation of Bush foreign policies to potential voters. McCain stated “We still have a lot of work to do on the Iraq and Pakistan border. As terrorist are coming into Iraq from Pakistan”. Uh just one problem Iraq does not boarder Pakistan its not even close. Maybe McCain was trying to say weapons are coming in from Pakistan which would have been mostly true. But McCain stated that terrorist were crossing the boarder into Iraq. Now lets look at geography again. For a terrorist (on foot) in Pakistan to get to Iraq they would have to go through Iran. Pakistan is boarded by India to the east, Afghanistan to the Northwest, Iran to the west, and the extreme northern tip of the country touches China. Iraq does not touch Pakistan.

12. Soda bans will stop people from drinking soda

Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg (D) has made some outrageous claims over the past few years. Like Trump he could have an entire list to himself. His most outrageous claim was when trying to push a ban on sodas over 16 ounces. While mayor Bloomberg stated “If a ban of soda is in place people will stop drinking sodas over 16 ounces. My plan would exempt grocery stores, but schools and restaurants would not be allowed to sell big sodas. However people could get refills. I hope that would stop soda consumption” Okay what, that was just a bunch of nonsense. So he was going to ban people from drinking large sodas but allow people to get refills because that would stop them from buying soda. Bloomberg should have looked at history to see how bans have worked out. How did prohibition (ban on alcohol ) work out? If people can get refills then they are still drinking soda. A ban on 16 ounces or larger as doctors have said would not stop somebody from consuming soda. In fact they are more likely to consume more.

13.  Homosexuality should be between a man and a woman. 

Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) is known as a body builder, an actor, and a governor. Arnold has said some memorable  quotes. While governor of California the same sex marriage debate was really ramping up in the state of California. In response Arnold made this outrageous claim. Arnold stated ” To me a homosexual relationship should be between the man and the woman”. Well this is simply illogical. If a man is in a relationship with a woman then it is not a homosexual relationship. The definition of a homosexual relationship is when two members of the same sex are in a romantic relationship. Needless to say Arnold’s quote was outrageous but it provided comedy for the late night comedians.

14. Past Presidents have used electronic surveillance?  

AG Alberto Gonzalez (R) after 2004 was trying to draw support after the Patriot act was starting to be considered invasive. So how did Gonzalez go about selling why the act was needed? He made a claim that past Presidents had used electronics to spy. Gonzalez stated “George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln,  Ulysses Grant, and Teddy Roosevelt used electronics to conduct surveillance”. This was nonsense and outrageous. Here is why most electronics were not around during these Presidents times. The telephone was invented in 1876 but it was impossible to spy on phone calls. TV was not invented into the end of the 1920’s. The precursor to the modern computer did not come into play until around 1940. Even though the telephone was invented in the late 19th century. Most electronics were not invented to the 20th century. Granted Teddy was President for the first few years of the 20th century but it wasn’t till later electronics came into public circulation. Electricity for lights was not even around during Washington, Jefferson, and Lincolns time. But hey they could still spy on you, yeah right.

15. California annexes Arizona

Dan Quayle (R) was trying to draw support for votes. So he decided he would talk to the people about where he grew up at. Quayle stated ” I love California I grew up in the Phoenix area “. There is just a problem with this. Phoenix is not in California it is in Arizona were it is the state capital. If your going to rally people in the state by explaining your connections to the state make sure you are in the right state. Quayle’s statement was outrageous to say the least.